Wednesday, July 23, 2008

What a beautiful day!

Well we are off to pick up Auntie Marg in a few minutes from the bus depot. She will stay with us for a couple days, Thurs and Fri. We are heading home on Fri., so I hope the weather continues to be nice once we get back.

Today I did laundry, went swimming, then went to town for a little bit. The boys stayed out here and played on the computer and the Xbox 360. The dogs also stayed in the air conditioned trailer today, I must have been about 30 here.

Anyways off to get Auntie, then have some diner, then back here. Maybe we will try to play cards with Auntie.

Well take care everyone, and see you later.


P.S. I got the picture from an email my parents sent me, too cute hey!


Jenny said...

I never knew you blogged....awesome!!!
Hope you're having a good holiday!

BluEyedFool said...

I'm glad you're having such a wonderful time on your holidays but can't wait for you to get home too!

Miss you all lots,
xo Pen